Corné Krige
After completing his school years at Paarl Boys High, Corné registered at the Cape Technicon as a student for a diploma in Business Management. However, just before writing his final examinations, he went overseas with the Springbok rugby to play test matches in the UK. In the years to follow, his participation in sport determined his focus and time. During these years he had exposure to many situations which developed his mind setting regarding business opportunities and how to use them.

When he said farewell to rugby, he was ready to start his own business in 2007 which he called Corné Krige Outdoor Advertising Pty Ltd trading as CK Outdoor.
Application in practice
Our initial focus was on the formal market and large format bilboards. In 2009 we identified the need for first class advertising in the informal market. We erected some 75 large format billboards outside of taverns across the country. Included in our advertising services, we have exclusive rights to all Golden Arrow busses in Cape Town. In 2012 we added yet a new dimension to our company when we decided to start a promotional department within CK Outdoor to provide services to corporate companies. We are equipped with a creative team which is able to produce promotional tailor-made items necessary for each specific client and individual campaign.

Corné's advice to the younger generation
Be very selective in what course and subjects you are going to study. These must be aimed at assisting you in your preferred career. Further, your aim should be to appoint people in your business, not to be appointed in the business of someone else.
Corné stam uit die Piketberg Tak.
Hy is in Lusaka, Zambië in 1975 gebore en is later leerling aan die Paarl Boys High. Na voltooiing van sy skooljare skryf hy in as student by die Kaapse Technikon. Sy vakkeuses draai om Sakebestuur, maar voor hy sy finale eksamen kon afhandel, neem rugby oor in sy lewe. Sy jare op die speelveld en sy rol agter die skerms, het hom voorberei om leiding ook in die besigheidswêreld te neem. Corné is getroud met Justine Basson en hulle het drie kinders: Sophia, Johan en Pieter. Corné se vrou Justine is ewe betrokke by sy besigheid. In 2005 publiseer Corné sy outobiografie oor sy rugby-loopbaan.