Anneli Krige Nel
Her parents own a nature conservancy farm on the banks of the Limpopo River. This is where she grew up.
Anneli’s story actually started when she was 10 years old. She then rented space in an old building on the farm yard to start a business selling goods like biscuits, rice and butter to the neighbouring Zimbabwean farm communities. The thrill of buying and selling motivated her to keep on growing her business and to look for new opportunities. Her trading was a success and she went on to rent more space from her father for her burgeoning business. Having insight into the farm’s book-keeping, the next chapter started. Still as a 17-year school girl, she launched her digital receipt start-up and called it Slippy when she basically still had no experience in the digital world. Her Slippy platform aimed to help users – the target market for the app was retailers and farmers – to manage their paper receipts and invoices. No longer will they have to keep these buried in boxes as the entire process is digitised.
After completing her school training, Anneli enlisted as a student at the University of Stellenbosch. Her interest in business was already so focussed, that she took an active part in the university’s mixed-use business incubator. During her student years, she did vacation work at the auditing firm PwC. Here she saw first-hand how they had digitized their processessing and their paper-based systems and how the correct technology could chance all that.
All forms of processes in the business world have become digitized, whereas our wallets are still cramped with paper receipts. I realized there is a great business opportunity. It was a scary risk I took, but three months later I took all my savings to register my patent. It was then that my journey began.
In 2016 her efforts received a major boost when she pitched her business concept at the ATTACQ competition against other startups ranging from e-commerce companies to revenue tracking platforms. She was later chosen as one of the six finalists – the only woman in this group. As part of her winnings, she shared in the seed funding as well as an opportunity to participate in the Launchlab Knowledge Acceleration Programme. She completed her B.Acc at the age of 22 and is currently doing her ACCA articles at a corporate bank before returning to the farm to further grow her shop and the family business.

Anneli se siening
Om ‘n idee te formuleer, is bloot die begin van ‘n sukses.
‘n Entrepreneur skep die roete om die idee te implementeer en die
regte dissipline en waardestelsel aan te wend om dit te laat slaag.
Verder, jy moet die selfvertroue en passie in jou idee hê dat jy bereid is om al jou tyd en
energie daarin te steek al bestaan daar ‘n buite-kans dat dit nie suksesvol gaan wees nie.
Handhaaf ‘n professionele standaard as sake-eienaar en weet sukses vereis ook goeie menseverhoudinge.
"En op ‘n meer persoonlike vlak: om jonk te wees en ook om as vrou op te tree, het my nooit afgeskrik nie."
Anneli stam uit die Piketberg Tak.
Sy is in 1996 as die jongste van drie kinders gebore. Haar grootmoeder was Anneli Krige, dogter van Pieter Krige (gebore 1915), seun van Cornelius Krige (gebore 1881) wat vanaf die plaas Groenkloof buite Piketberg na die binneland verhuis het. Verwys ook na KNB126 p1009. Haar voorsate aan beide die Krige- en Nel-families was landbouers en pioniere wat selfs oor die landsgrense heen gaan boer het. Ouma Anneli Krige is getroud met Izak Nel en hul seun Hannes Nel is weer getroud met Madelaine née Bezuidenhout - die ouers van Anneli Krige Nel.
Haar vader Hannes is ‘n suksesvolle sakeman op die plaas Maroi bo in die Limpopo Provinsie. Saam met sy seun, Izak Nel, boer hulle met sitrus, tamtaties, waatlemoene, spanspekke en wild. Hannes hoop om oor die volgende paar jare hul boerdery-belange ook in Mozambiek te gaan uitbrei.